
Eucharist Session 3

What Do You Hear? (p. 30)

Involve the senses of sight and touch to help children who are deaf or hearing impaired complete this activity. Have them listen with their eyes and hands by sitting very still and describing what they see and feel around them.

It may be difficult for children with writing or fine motor difficulties (such as dysgraphia), as well as children with cognitive differences, to complete the written portions of the activities on this page. Invite these children to talk with you about what they heard and to show you what they did to listen.

Research tells us that children who have difficulties with attention problems or impulse control often have more difficulty paying attention to auditory input than to other stimuli, such as visual cues. As you begin this activity, face these children and invite them to do what you do. Have them imitate various gestures and facial expressions but eventually become very still. Challenge them to try to hear something that is very quiet. After the activity, invite them to show and tell what they did to listen.

Jesus Takes Care of Us (p. 33)

Completing the maze on this page may be challenging for children who are visually impaired and children with fine motor issues. Invite these children to trace the path through the maze with their finger before drawing it with a pencil. It might even be helpful to guide each child’s hand with yours as he or she navigates through the maze, if the child is comfortable with this. Have the children use bright colors of pencils or pens to make the path as clear as possible on the page.

Hear Us, O Lord (p. 36)

Following the instruction on this page may be challenging to children with reading difficulties (such as dyslexia), children with writing or fine motor difficulties (such as dysgraphia), and children with cognitive differences. Read the instructions step-by-step as you focus separately on each of the numbered boxes. Point to each section of the page where the text you are reading appears. Assist the children in recalling and writing the names of leaders and other persons mentioned in the prayers. It might also be helpful to bring photos of the Pope, your bishop, local and national leaders, and members of the community, so that you can refer to them as you name the various people for whom you are praying.

Listening with Our Hearts (p. 37)

The instructions on this page offer some options that will help accommodate differences in ability and special needs. Children with writing or fine motor difficulties (such as dysgraphia) might prefer to tell or show, rather than write, their answers. Children who have difficulties with attention problems or impulse control might enjoy acting out examples of listening to Jesus.