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teachings of Jesus that show the way to true happiness and tell how to live in God’s Kingdom now and always
a name for the Church of which Christ is the head. All the baptized are members of the Body.
telling your sins to the priest
an ability given to us by God that helps us make choices about right and wrong. This gift helps us desire to do good and know what God wants us to do.
being sorry for your sins and wanting to live better
the continual process of becoming the people God made us to be. It is a response to God’s love and forgiveness and a turning away from sin.
a sacred promise or agreement between God and humans
the God-given freedom and ability to make choices. God created us with free will so we can have the freedom to choose good.
God’s free and loving gift to humans of his own life and help
the one God in three Divine Persons—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit
the world of love, peace, and justice that is in heaven and is still being built on Earth
kindness and concern for those who have wronged us or are suffering. God has mercy on us even though we are sinners. He calls us to show mercy and forgive others as he forgives us.
a serious sin that causes a person’s relationship with God to be broken
a spiritual truth that can’t be known unless God reveals it, or makes it known to us
the first sin, committed by Adam and Eve, and then passed down to all human beings after them
the mystery of Jesus’ suffering, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension
a prayer or an action to help us repair the harm caused by our sins
words spoken by the priest during the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation to grant forgiveness of sins in God’s name
to be reunited or restored to friendship or relationship
special signs and celebrations that Jesus gave his Church. They allow us to share in God’s life and work.
a person’s choice to disobey God on purpose and do what he or she knows is wrong. Sins hurt our relationship with God and other people.
wanting to do something we should not, or not wanting to do something we should. It is not a sin, but can lead a person to sin. So we need to avoid temptations to sin.
God’s laws that tell people how to love him and others
a sin that hurts a person’s friendship with God but does not completely break it
actions that show care for the physical and spiritual needs of others